Sunday, November 4, 2012

Candidacy - Day 3 - Pottery

Well, I'm actually writing this on Sunday. But here is what I was going to post.

I wrote about Franciscan Prayer bowls a while back. If you're interested, click here. So, the project has moved forward. We have several prayer bowls sitting in the chapel in Santa Maria. Here are a few of the bowls that have been made so far. The four in this box had been undergone the first firing, called the bisque firing.

The bowls below have been glazed and fired. These are the bowls sitting in the chapell in Santa Maria. The bowls have been made by several people in the Sacramento, CA, area.

This is a no-money-eschange project so that the intent and implementation in the bowls remain priceless!

Saturday's activities: In PJs until about 10:30 AM. Brunch and conversation with my friend, Jane, at 11:00 AM to celebrate her birthday. Stacks in Redwood City has unusual pancakes. The bananna, macademia nut, and coconut pancakes are to-die-for. A run to the car wash because my car needed a shower. Mass at 5:00 PM, then dinner and evening prayer, followed by work on a puzzle. Or rather, watching the other person with whom I am living, Meg, work on a puzzle.

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