Sunday, November 25, 2012

Candidacy - day 25 - Evening prayer

Our evening schedule is usually dinner at 6:00 PM followed by evening prayer. Tonight, Carol is in bed with a terrible cold. So, it's just Meg and me. It's interesting that Anglican and Episcopalian churches do Vespers (evening prayer), Compline (night prayer), and morning prayer as part of regularly scheduled liturgies. We have lost that tradition in the Catholic Church.

Meg leading evening prayer tonight.

In the above picture, behind Meg, is one of three tabernacles that Margaret Bannan, who was then provincial, brought back from Indonesia. What is significant in the picture is its location -- the dining room. So, in order to make room for me in the house. Carol and Meg moved their chapel. It landed in the dining room where we do evening prayer every day.

Oh, what is a "provincial"? Well, in the United States, the congregation has three regional areas called provinces.  There's one each on the East coast, in the Mid-West, and on the West coast. This province on the West coast is the St. Francis province. The provincial minister heads up the province, Or, as defines provincial: "the head of a major territorial subdivision of a religious order"

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