Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Candidacy - Day 21 - Desert Sisters SoulCollage

I am usually a very private person. I don't partake in Facebook actively because I do not agree with the philosophy -- that I should connect to everyone in the world. Plus, keeping up with Facebook takes too much time. But, I have decided to share a SoulCollage card that I've recently revisited. I created the card in June 2009 at a Franciscan Living workshop when I was beginning to inquire about becoming a Franciscan. I looked at the card again this week, and changed it a bit in Photoshop to reflect on the outside what I consider to be important to me on the inside currently. The name of the card is: Desert Sisters. Doing the I Am One Who  SoulCollage exercise, this card says to me:

We are the ones who walk where there may be no path in pursuit of the Light, in pursuit of the Holy One. Where we go, there may be few signs from those who have gone before. We walk off the edge of firm ground, of the known, into the shifting sands of the interior desert where the only guide is the star, the Holy One who draws us onward, backward, inward, into -- oneness with the Source of All Being.

Desert Sisters

This SoulCollage card has become part of my discernment process. I do  know I was not meant to be a solitary, a hermitess -- and maybe not much more at this point.

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